Befriend Inc.
Befriend Inc. is a small non-profit organisation with a big vision for sparking connected and thriving communities. Over the past fourteen years, Befriend has grown from a small team of volunteers to a thriving social enterprise dedicated to supporting inclusive and connected communities.
Befriend engaged Janali & Co. to support the development of a framework for managing the risks that arise in the context of its community-building work. In approaching risk management from a community development perspective, significant time was invested in focussing on how risk can be managed in ways that build community capacity, rather than diminish it.
To support Befriend with this project Janali & Co.:
Undertook a desktop review of relevant documentation to understand legal requirements, regulatory frameworks, Befriend’s work processes, and current approaches to managing risk e.g. policies, procedures, and safe work practices.
Conducted additional desktop research and engagement with several organisations to explore relevant approaches for managing risk in the community development sector.
Facilitated engagement with the Befriend staff and board to build a shared understanding of the risk management context.
Developed a visual map of Befriend’s community-building work streams and the types of support/activities/relationships/roles/responsibilities within each.
Developed a handbook for managing risk.
Developed an insights document to summarise key learnings and areas for further exploration.
This project helped Befriend Inc. gain more clarity and understanding of the complex situation in which they operate. This new level of understanding provided a firmer footing from which to embark upon the next stage of development work.
Below is an excerpt from the risk management handbook.
Managing risk in a community development context
“There is so much to like about working with Jananli & Co! Some examples include the warm working relationship, the collaborative style, Sarah’s deep respect for the uniqueness of our organisation, her generosity in pursuing other avenues for accessing vital information, and her strength in synthesising and presenting information in clear and helpful ways.”
— Befriend Inc. team member